Our story begins in the late 1980s...
...with a nearly life-long friendship between two girls who met on the first day of seventh grade. Laura Kalur and Heidi Brueggeman attended The Andrews School just east of Cleveland, Ohio. Decades of "life" had taken them to opposite coasts, and seemingly opposite careers.
Laura became a medical malpractice attorney in Portland, Oregon. Heidi settled in Newport, Rhode Island and designed a line of jewelry called "Sugar". And then fate stepped in with its twists and turns - plus a dose of generosity, trust and creativity - oh, and a little jaunt to India. Our present place in the story finds lifelong friends living in the same coastal town, Beaufort, South Carolina.
* above: Emily Maxi Dress, April 2022
Our name, LA PLAGE, is French for "the beach". Where the water meets sand and sky, it is one place we are allowed to relax, meditate, indulge and float away. The effortless lifestyle of four-season beach living is our muse.
At LA PLAGE we are happy to have wonderful relationships with our counterparts in India. Heidi travels to Delhi and Jaipur annually to work on the collections, immersed in the ancient aesthetics and color of a profoundly beautiful culture.
* right: An evening at Bar Palladio, Jaipur
Thank you for joining us in our LA PLAGE story. We hope you indulge in the luxe effortlessness and simple elegance of our garments - all the while living a simply beautiful life.
* above: The Royal Palace, Jaipur
Follow us on Instagram @LaPlageStyle.
Laura Kalur, Managing Partner
Heidi Brueggeman, Partner & Creative Director